
Easter Bunny – Best or worst PI ever?

For a lot of people, the Easter Bunny popped in last weekend! This sneaky little rabbit comes every year and does his little easter egg trail, but here at Elite Investigations, our private investigators got to thinking… with his sneaking and spying, the Easter Bunny is a bit like a private eye! We’ve run through a tally to found out just how good he would be as part of the Elite Investigations team…

Can get into homes unnoticed.

You wake up, and the easter trail has been set! The eggs are hidden for you to find. The carrots have been nibbled. And through all this, you didn’t hear a thing. You never see the Easter Bunny. You don’t accidentally catch him hiding the Easter eggs. This level of skill in going unnoticed is one our private investigators can only dream of! While the Elite private detectives Sydney/Melbourne are skilled at being discreet and going by unnoticed, unfortunately we don’t have Easter magic on our side.

Point goes to the Easter Bunny

Unlike Santa, he doesn’t know if you’ve been bad or good.

The Easter bunny doesn’t seem to have much knowledge of the people he’s investigating. No background knowledge, no prior investigation. A good detective always does their background research before going into an investigation. The Easter Bunny just dives right in to the homes of his suspects – I mean customers. As private investigators, we would never go out into the field without some prior knowledge and research about who we’re investigating.

Point goes to Elite Investigations

He might be breaking the law

Ok, we know no-one’s complaining about the delicious Easter eggs the Easter Bunny leaves behind, but the thing is that Australia has privacy laws to protect us from unwanted visitors. The Easter Bunny comes into your home without your knowledge of permission, and that’s something a good private eye would never do! While licences private investigators do have a more that they can do without breaking the law, breaking and entering is not one of them. However the police have never arrested the Easter Bunny…. Hmm. Maybe the Easter Bunny is exempt from privacy laws?

Point to Elite Investigations

He leaves evidence of his visit

Easter eggs, nibbled carrots; the following morning you definitely know if the Easter Bunny has been. While that’s great for chocolate lovers everywhere, it’s not so great if you’re a private detective. The job of a private investigator on surveillance is to go by unnoticed, getting the footage or evidence we need and then moving on before anyone notices we’re there. On this front, the Easter bunny would make a terrible PI!

Point to Elite Investigations

Final Tally
Easter Bunny: 1
Elite Investigations: 3

So there you have it. As it turns out, we’re not going to be hiring the Easter Bunny into the Elite Investigations team anytime soon. We’re just very jelous of his invisibility skills! So if you need a private eye that can get the job done without blowing their cover, don’t turn to the Easter Bunny. Give us a call on 1300 721 715 or email

Happy Easter! From the team at Elite Investigations.