Workplace Theft

Theft in the workplace can be difficult to detect, as it typically starts small. 

Theft in the workplace

There are many scenarios for workplace theft and fraud in businesses. An employee may be involved in various areas of the business giving them the ability to sign off for goods. It can be difficult to detect theft until it’s too late, as the thefts typically start small. If the dishonest employee discovers that they can get away undetected with these small thefts, they are likely to expand their efforts. Your business may soon be losing large sums of money each year, and the larger or more diverse your business interests and assets are, the easier it is for a savvy employee to hide their criminal activities. Even if the thefts are discovered, it is often very difficult for business owners and corporations to identify the guilty party or parties, especially if several employees are involved in the cover-up.

Private investigator conducting surveillance with camera

How can we help?

Our private investigators can investigate any suspicious financial activity or losses occurring within your company, in relation to both current and former staff, including, theft of company assets, embezzlement of company funds, misuse of employee allowances or office supply funds, false invoicing and inventory reports that hide theft and fraudulent activities, intellectual property theft, all other types of fraud.

Whether you are unsure about the causes of missing resources and money, or are certain that workplace theft is occurring and want to uncover the perpetrators, a private investigator can help put an end to stealing and make sure all your employees are working for the good of your company.

As an employer, you have rights as well as your staff. If you are concerned or suspicious of criminal activity within your business, please call us today and speak to our highly qualified private investigators to discuss your concerns.

Talk To A Senior Investigator

While it might seem like a good idea to do your own reconnaissance work, you may unknowingly end up committing illegal activities.

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